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PHP Manual

Zlib Compression Functions


This module enables you to transparently read and write gzip (.gz) compressed files, through versions of most of the filesystem functions which work with gzip-compressed files (and uncompressed files, too, but not with sockets).

Note: Version 4.0.4 introduced a fopen-wrapper for .gz-files, so that you can use a special zlib: URL to access compressed files transparently using the normal f*() file access functions if you prefix the filename or path with zlib: when calling fopen(). This feature requires a C runtime library that provides the fopencookie() function. Up to now the GNU libc seems to be the only library that provides this feature.
In PHP 4.3.0, zlib: has been changed to compress.zlib:// to prevent ambiguities with filenames containing ':' characters. The fopencookie() function is not longer required. More information is available in the section about Compression Streams.


This module uses the functions of » zlib by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler. You have to use a zlib version >= 1.0.9 with this module.


Zlib support in PHP is not enabled by default. You will need to configure PHP --with-zlib[=DIR]

A PHP Windows-os változata beépített támogatással rendelkezik eme kiterjesztéshez. Nincs szükség semmilyen kiterjesztés betöltésére, hogy az itt felsorolt függvényeket használhasd.

Note: Built-in support for zlib on Windows is available with PHP 4.3.0.

Futásidejű beállítások

Az alábbi függvények viselkedése befolyásolható a php.ini segítségével.

The zlib extension offers the option to transparently compress your pages on-the-fly, if the requesting browser supports this. Therefore there are three options in the configuration file php.ini.

Zlib Configuration Options
Name Default Changeable Changelog
zlib.output_compression "0" PHP_INI_ALL Available since PHP 4.0.5.
zlib.output_compression_level "-1" PHP_INI_ALL Available since PHP 4.3.0.
zlib.output_handler "" PHP_INI_ALL Available since PHP 4.3.0.
További részletekért és a PHP_INI_* konstansok definícióiért lásd: php.ini directives.

A témába vágó konfigurációs direktívák rövid leírása

zlib.output_compression boolean/integer

Whether to transparently compress pages. If this option is set to "On" in php.ini or the Apache configuration, pages are compressed if the browser sends an "Accept-Encoding: gzip" or "deflate" header. "Content-Encoding: gzip" (respectively "deflate") and "Vary: Accept-Encoding" headers are added to the output. In runtime, it can be set only before sending any output.

This option also accepts integer values instead of boolean "On"/"Off", using this you can set the output buffer size (default is 4KB).

Note: output_handler must be empty if this is set 'On' ! Instead you must use zlib.output_handler.

zlib.output_compression_level integer

Compression level used for transparent output compression.

zlib.output_handler string

You cannot specify additional output handlers if zlib.output_compression is activated here. This setting does the same as output_handler but in a different order.

Erőforrás típusok

This extension defines a file pointer resource returned by gzopen().

Előre definiált állandók

Az itt listázott állandókat ez a kiterjesztés definiálja, és csak akkor elérhetőek, ha az adott kiterjesztés be van fordítva a PHP-be, vagy dinamikusan betöltött.

FORCE_GZIP (integer)


This example opens a temporary file and writes a test string to it, then it prints out the content of this file twice.

Example#1 Small Zlib Example


tempnam('/tmp''zlibtest') . '.gz';
$s "Only a test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test!\n";

// open file for writing with maximum compression
$zp gzopen($filename"w9");

// write string to file

// close file

// open file for reading
$zp gzopen($filename"r");

// read 3 char
echo gzread($zp3);

// output until end of the file and close it.


// open file and print content (the 2nd time).
if (readgzfile($filename) != strlen($s)) {
"Error with zlib functions!";


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PHP Manual